Echipa Beton Art Bucuresti
Arta in beton Decorativ
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Vertical imprinted concrete

It is also a system of imprinted concrete but vertical.
It is a particular mortar density, strength and hardness. It has excellent adhesion to cover both interior and exterior walls.
Can be applied directly on the plaster on brick or drywall and subsequently also mark to get perfect imitations of stone, brick, wood, stone, etc.. You can get special architectural scenarios: fountains, waterfalls, creating garden or interior decoration shaped rocks, rocks, columns etc. It is very resistant to rain and freeze / thaw.
It is used for creating special effects in ornamental facades, fences, and inside, the living room or in rooms.
By using creativity and imagination can imitated various modern and rustic styles (old masonry, brick, rustic). For this you can combine a variety of designs, shapes and colors, resulting in highly personalized effect.
Advantages of vertical decorative systems:

  •      material cost is lower compared to the quality / price;
  •      surface has a high mechanical strength and are waterproof;
  •      can imitate various styles such as stalls rustic stone masonry old rustic brick and eroded, and new and modern designs;


  •      great wealth of color and artistic effects;
  •      different colors.